Week 8: Diversity of gender and sexuality in Manga and Anime

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness was something that hit a little harder. While also being a queer, mentally ill woman, I heavily related to the main character. In chapter one she says "Finding somewhere warm to belong... Apparently that's going to take more than just money." And in chapter two says "I wanted them to accept me, or at least let me off the hook." These two quotes struck me because I'm a queer Asian with parents who were not very accepting of the fact that I'm gay. I really really relate to the main character and it almost made me tear up sometimes with how real and true the story was. I feel like finding somewhere to belong is something we all want, especially when you suddenly feel unwelcome in your own home. Wanting to be accepted is natural especially by your family, but wanting to fill that loneliness is hard. Wanting physical contact and love from another is something most of us crave. The way she has personified herself and ope...