Week Four: Ghibli

A lot of people will say that they grew up with Ghibli films, but it wasn't until I was well into anime in Middle School that I was introduced to the content. My first film was Spirited away, which then sent me into a hole where all I wanted to watch was Ghibli. I watched Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, and a bunch others!

I fell in love with how each story had a strong female main, going on adventures, being bold, and doing super badass things! Some even being at a young age. I loved this and watching them made me want to go outside, play, and explore. I remember the rush of energy these films gave me, and I think that's what Miyazaki wanted from these. To inspire young girls to get out and do things, and WANT to be great! He created these wonderful role models and it definitely paid off.


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